training program
Become a leader
Feeling like you’ve lost touch with God? Not sure what’s next in your life? One Heart Warriors is designed to help you grow, build you up as a leader, and train you to be a disciple of Jesus. Not only will you learn how to cook healthy meals, but you’ll learn workouts you can do for life to stay in shape, build community, and most importantly, find rhythm in your relationship with God.
Grow closer to God
learn how to cook healthy
get in shape
serve your community
the vision of
One Heart warriors
One Heart is designed to identify, equip, and support leaders in Native ministry. We identify these leaders through several strategic outreaches that provide unique services to Native communities. We equip these leaders with various types of educational programs, leadership development and discipleship training. We then provide ongoing ministry support through the One Heart network to ensure that their efforts are impactful and lasting. We train our leaders with 5 different components.
5 pillars of growth
We believe that there are 5 areas to grow, and we do this together – we support you. We have seen that this provides strength and direction for our warriors. Equipping you to lead and serve your community.
Establish a healthy lifestyle with regular workouts and healthy eating. Simple yet so important to develop sustainable habits so we can feel our best and honor the body that God has given us.
Goal-oriented workouts
4-6 workouts per week *designed by Tuff
Cooking and grocery shopping for healthy living
Recreational activities and challenges

We want to know God and His ways. By digging in his word, prayer, and scripture memory, we’ll be refined to be more like Him.
Build *upon* a relationship with God
Operation Solid Lives (OSL) discipleship
Scripture memorization (Topical Memory System)
Faith builders
Breakthroughs in the growth process
Mental toughness is not easy to train but in everything we do we push ourselves and each other beyond our limits. We become individuals who won’t quit even in the face of adversity.
Growth oriented environment
Be challenged and pushed
Achieve what you didn’t think was possible
Sharpen life skills

We can’t control everything, this includes the people in our lives like family and co-workers. What we can control is how we take responsibility in everything. We learn to love others well and set healthy boundaries around all our relationships.
Get connected with a mentor
Live in Community
Build lasting relational impact through serving opportunities in Billings, local reservations and on mission trips.
We learn basic money training so we can develop realistic goals and dreams. We’re becoming good stewards so that we can in turn be a blessing to others.
Financial Peace University (FPU)
Get out of debt
Learn how to budget
Build a financial plan
Define and work towards financial goals

Where is it located?
We’re located in Billings, MT
Can I have a job?
Yes, we encourage warriors to have a part time job (10-15 hrs) to learn time management skills.
Is OHWs Training Center a recovery program?
No, we are not equipped or licensed to act as a rehabilitation or recovery center.
What does the Training Center program cost?
Contact us for price and scholarship availability. There is also the option to fundraise or seek sponsorship.
How does my donation get used?
Food, gym/personal training, books, room and board, travel for local outreach.
Do I have to be Native to go through the program?
No, we serve anybody seeking discipleship.
Do you do background checks?
Yes, background is considered but does not automatically disqualify you.
Can I go through the program if I have a family?
Yes, but we only provide housing for the individual going through the program.
A Personal Note from Tuff…
Every person will come to a point in their life and ask the question, “Am I a leader?” Let me answer this for you, yes you are a leader. Someone needs you to be the best version of youself so they have a chance to succeed in life. There are two types of people, those who are leaders and those who are becoming leaders. Leaders are not born they are developed. Some chose to be leaders and some become leaders because no one else is stepping up. Whichever type of leader you are I want to personally thank you for you interest in growing as a leader. This site exists for you to personally grow and develop as a leader. If you are willing to learn, I am willing to help. I can’t wait to hear from you.

Want to learn more?
We are always looking for people like you to join the movement. We can’t wait to meet you! Contact us and lets keep this conversation going.